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Dear Daniel,

I would like to express to you through this letter my deepest apologies for the trouble my dog caused to your lawn and garden yesterday.

Unfortunately, he has been behaving badly the past days after he fell ill and we have been having problems keeping him on his leash.

I hope you would accept my apologies. I will visit you as soon as I get time off from work to check on the damage caused to your property.

I am more than willing to pay for the damages and help get a worker to restore your lawn and garden to its former condition. I will bring my dog to the veterinarian soon to make sure that he will no longer act unruly and will not go to your lawn again.




My Dearest fans and friends,

道歉信范文 英语版道歉信范文推荐

I am really sorry that I did not make a response for the bad influence in time. I am thinking over this matter these days that I really did something terrible related to my friend Bao's wedding party, which makes me feel ashamed and guilty. Besides, what I did before were so wrong that should not be spread again. Heartfully, I appreciate and accept all your criticism and blame. As a pubilic celebrity, I should have set a good example to the society but not to do the contrary. Therefore, I am acknowledging all my fault and taking my responsibility to rectify them. I am really really really sorry.




Dear Sir,

I am writing to apologize for the bad performance of the washing machine you bought from our department store. I do hope(希望的语气可以稍微强烈一点) you can accept my sincere apologies.

In fact, the mistake is due to our ignorance(万能开头,啥错误不是失误呀). The manufacturer of the washing machine has cooperated(完成时要注意。) with us for ten years, and never made(过去没有犯过错误,现在有了) a mistake like this, then we did not double check the product.(自己还是有责任的) I want you to know that your trust is very important to us, so we will send(解决方案是将来时) an employee to take the machine back and give you a full refund.

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it, and hope you can accept the apologies.(再次道歉)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/203661/342259440.html


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