英语美文精选及翻译 关于英语笑话带翻译精选



When my printer's type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned.


Because the shop charged 50 pounds for such cleanings, he told me, it would be better for me to read the printer's directions and try the job myself.


Pleasantly surprised by his words, I asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?"


"Actually it's my boss's idea," the employee replied. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repair things themselves first."



After being with her all evening, the man couldn't take another minute with his blind date.


Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the phone so he would have anexcuse to leave.


When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, "I havesome bad news. My grandfather just died."


"Thank heavens," his date replied. "If yours hadn't, mine would have had to!"

英语美文精选及翻译 关于英语笑话带翻译精选



Gravely ill, a man went to the doctor with his wife. After the examination the physicianmotioned for the wife to meet him in the hallway.


"Your husband is very sick, " the doctor said, "but there are three things you can do to ensurehis survival. First, fix him three healthful, delicious meals a day. Next, give him a stress-freeenvironment , and don't complain about anything. Finally, make passionate love to him everyday.


On the drive home the husband asked, "What did the doctor say?"


"I'm sorry, " she said, "but you're not going to make it.



On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I adn our two children devoted ourselveswholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed forhome.


As we drove away, our son waved and said, "Good-by, Mickey."


Our daughter waved and said, "Good-by, Minnie."


My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, "Good-by, Money."



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/203161/672203522.html


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