暑假生活指导答案 小学五年级暑假生活指导英语答案





三、fly kites swim climb moutants winter skiing watch the leaves 四、C、B、E、D、A 五、B、A、B、B、C、A


一、B、A、C、C、B、B 二、一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December


四、Mother’s Day ; Teacher’s Day ;roll easter eggs(复活节彩蛋) Mid—Autumn ;October 1st 五、B、D、A、C、E


一、go for a walk2

eat breakfast 4

do morning exercises 5

read a 1

listen to music 3

二、flying jumping running climbing dancing shopping


四、Sarah is from Canada.

The picture of Beijing is beautiful. What do you often do in the summer? The monkey is playing with its mother. 五、It’s 11:00 on Monday now.

Aomy is drawing pictures. The picture is so beautiful. Tom is swimming . He is so cool . They are happy . ...



二、get up ;play basketball ;listen to music ;jump ;

go on a picnic ;drink water 三、B、C、A、C、A 四、At 12:00 o’clock.

I usually do morning exercises . I go shopping . It’s a monkey . 五、A、C、B、C


一、哭、笑、笑、笑 二、a at cat catch

snowman :a an man no now snow season:a as so on sea son anything:a an any in thing

三、take a dancing class ;摘苹果 ;each other ;寻找 ;运动会;

暑假生活指导答案 小学五年级暑假生活指导英语答案

talk quietly ;看一看 ;make a ...

四、When、Whose、Why、What、Where E、A、C、B、D 五、It’s Sunday noon .I am watching TV .My sister is watching TV ,too .She is four years old .My father is sleeping .My mother is cooking . She is busy .


一、quietly ;library ;letter ;listen ;writen ;second 二、close——open

late——early dirty——clean go——come

day——night(晚上) large——small

三、A、A、C、C、A 四、What are you doing ?

The kittens are six years old . They are walking on a bridge . Can I read books here ? 五、B、A、A、A


一、哭、哭、笑、笑 二、A、B、C、C、C

三、climb ;making ; second ;leaves ; going 四、B is

B watching A Do C Grandma’s A keep C are B with B you 五、2、4、5、6、8 六、T、F、T、T



noise 噪音 show指引 teach教

二、C、A、C、C 三、C、D、A、E、B、F 四、Which is do you like best ?

I can play in the snow . My favourite season is summer . I really like the colours . We can swim in the sea . 五、B、E、D、C、A 六、Hi,I’m John.

Today is July 10th.

In the evening , I sweep the floor . Then , I go swimming .

In the ofternoon , I watch TV and play football . I’m very busy today .


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/203061/381016822.html


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