英语笑话大全 爆笑 英语爆笑笑话 带翻译


A rookie police officer was out for his first ride in a cruiser with an experienced partner. A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. The officers drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on a corner.

The rookie rolled down his window and said, "Let's get off the corner, people." A few glances, but no one moved, so he barked again, "Let's get off that corner...NOW!" Intimidated, the group of people began to leave, casting puzzled stares in his direction.

Proud of his first official act, the young policeman turned to his partner and asked, "Well, how did I do?" "Pretty good," chuckled the veteran policemen, "especially since this is a bus stop!"

一名新警察与老警察开着警车第一次出去巡逻。 他们得到命令去疏散一群闲逛的人,于是他们开车去了那条街,看到路口站着一群人。

英语笑话大全 爆笑 英语爆笑笑话 带翻译




1、Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning?


Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow".


2、Two Birds 两只鸟

Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?

老师: 这儿有两只鸟,一只是麻雀。谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?

Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.


Teacher: Please tell us.


Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.


3、The Fish Net 鱼网

"Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?"

"你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安?" 老师发问道。

"A lot of little holes tied together with strings." replied the little girl.

"把很多小孔用绳索栓在一起就成了鱼网了。" 小女孩回答道。

4、The New Teacher 新老师

George comes from school on the first of September.

9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。

"George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother.

"乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?" 妈妈问。

"I didn't like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said.

"妈妈,我不喜欢,由于她说3加3得6, 可后来又说2加4也得6。"

that two and four were six too....."

5、A physics Examination 一次物理考试

Once in a physics examination, Nick finished the first question very soon, while his classmates


were thinking it hard.The question was: When it thunders why do we see the lighting first, then


hear the thunderrolls? Nick's answer: Because our eyes are before ears.



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“黎庆洪案”起诉书像笑话大全 笑话大全 爆笑


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