自动化求职简历 自动化求职英文简历



Personal Information:


Date of Birth:July 12, 19xx

Birth Place:Beijing

Sex: Male

Marital Status:Unmarried

Telephone:(8610) 6200-1234


Address:No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100029, China

Work Experience:

Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc

自动化求职简历 自动化求职英文简历

-as a director of software development and web publishing . Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .

Summer of 2007 BIT Company

-as a technican , designed various web sites . Designed and aintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well.


Aug. 2004-Sept. 2006 of Automation, Hainan University, B.E.

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, javascript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills :

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213

Others :

Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths


Basic personal information

Name: Mr.Zhang

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: September 17, 1986

Height: 178 cm marital status: unmarried

Account location: Xi'an, Shaanxi

Location now: Guangdong Zhongshan Torch Development Zone

Personal strengths: singing painting Internet

Language ability

Mandarin: excellent grasp dialect: Shaanxi ability: excellent

English: General Rating: 1

Other languages: capacity: Rating:

Education or training experience

Graduate institutions: the University of Xi'an, the highest trade union education: college

Specialties: Electrical and Mechanical Technology

Time to local schools / institutions of professional qualification certificate No. 2004.9 - 2008.1 Xi'an University of Electronic Commerce trade union Electrical Technology College

Work experience

2007.5 - 2008.5 Baofeng Die Co., Ltd. (wholly foreign-owned) jobs: Operator separation reasons: work home Description: the environment is better to do .......... cnc machine parade 2006.5 - 2007.5 Guangzhou more Feng Electronics Co., Ltd. (wholly foreign-owned) jobs: Technician reasons for leaving: Job Description: also ....

Job intentions

Job search intention: Mechatronics qc. Seized goods business with a single job-location: Zhongshan, Zhongshan, Zhongshan

Job Time :2008-8-5 can be reported for duty time: any time

Work experience: more than a year wage demands :1500-3500

Nature of work: Full-time


1. Response to sharp and good at analysis; has a strong team spirit, able to travel.

2. Be able to speak fluent Putonghua, the language expression ability, can be hard, good communication.

3. With more than 1 year experience in cnc machine CNC parade; know how to use basic test instruments.

I hope that I can be your company the opportunity, I will not live up to the expectations of companies.



Personal Information:

Name: Junjun Du

Date of Birth: July 12, 19xx

Birth Place: Beijing

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Unmarried

Telephone: (8610) 6200-1234

E-mail: editor@chinaacc.com

Address: No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100029, China

Work Experience:

Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc

-as a director of software development and web publishing. Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99).

Summer of 1997 BIT Company

-as a technican, designed various web sites. Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well.自动化专业求职英文简历


Aug. 1991-Sept. 1996 of Automation, Hainan University, B.E.

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213


Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/202361/330265769.html


电气自动化简历范文 电气自动化专业简历范文

电气自动化专业简历范文由个人简历网收集于互联网,仅供需要写作个人简历的朋友参考. 性别:男士 | 民族:汉族 | 生日:1985-7-22婚姻状况:未婚 | 身高:171厘米 | 体重:59公斤户口所在地:河南省开封市 | 目前所在地:广东省佛山市求职意向人

电气自动化个人简历 生产过程自动化技术专业个人简历

  个人简历  基本信息  姓 名:张静 性 别:女  出生年月:1988年12月 籍 贯:陕西凤翔  身 高:162cm 健康状况:健康  专 业:生产过程自动化技术 最高学历:大专(统招)  政治面貌:团员 毕业学校:西安航专  电子邮箱:zhangjin

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  尊敬的领导:  您好!  当您浏览这一页的时候,您已经为我打开了通往成功的第一扇大门。感谢您能在我即将踏上人生又一崭新征程的时候,给我一次宝贵的机会。希望它不同于您手中若干份雷同的求职材料,并能有助您在激烈的市场竞争

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