美国探亲邀请函范文 美国邀请函范文推荐

美国探亲邀请函范文 美国邀请函范文推荐



ref. to *** (中文名)

dear father ***:

this letter is invite you to come usa to see us together with mother ***, and living with us for 6 months in (city name, state name), usa. we will pay all the fees for your living and traveling in usa, and the plane tickets for coming usa and returning to china. during you staying in usa, we will visit several famous cities in the world: new york (to walk in walt street and to visit the statue of liberty), washington dc (it is the capital of usa), atlantic seashore (atlantic city is a famous gambling city), the west point (the cradle of army’s leaders of usa), falls of niagara and so on. you will know that how the persons in usa are living and how we are living in usa.

if possible, we can celebrate chinese new-year-day in ***.

we believe that you will feel pleasure during your traveling in usa.


DearFather Fu:

Thisletter is inviting you to come to USA to see us together with Mother Li, and living with us for 4 months in 1625 Pleasant Ave, Auburn Ca, USA. Youwill come to America with my girl friend xiaoai On 11, February and returnto China with your grandson Jiheng Nie on 11, June.

We willpay all the fees for your living and traveling in USA, and the plane ticketsfor coming to USA and returning to China. During you staying in USA, we will visitseveral famous cities: Lake-Tahoe, Reno, San-Francisco area, Los Angeles, Las Vegasso on. You will see how the people in USA live and a little about our day to day living in Auburn, Ca.

We believe that you will enjoy traveling in the USA and we look forward to being able to spend time with you and mother.

YourDaughter :Mia

YourSon-in-Law : Terry

Yourgrandson: Nie



xxxx Ave

Auburn,Ca, 95602

Tel& Fax: xxx


Dear Sir/Madam:

We arewriting this letter to invite our parents Baba Fu and Mama Li to visit usthis coming February for a period of 4 months. Our friend xiaoai is travellingto China celebrate Chinese New year with her family and will be coming back to Americaon 11, February! She wound like to do me a favor and bring my parents togetherwith her ,as they can ’ t speak any English at all, we are worried them to fly and go through customs by themselves .

Duringtheir visit , we plan to take them to look around Lake-Tahoe, Reno,San-Francisco area, Los Angeles; if time permits, we will also take them to seeLas Vegas. Our plan is to spend spring with them in the USA and then send themback to China with my son Jiheng Nie on 11, June.

We willcover all their expenses during their visit in the USA, including flightticket, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses, enclosed please find our financial supportive files for yourreference.

Yourfavorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highlyappreciated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please kindly contact us at the address and telephone number above.

Yours respectfully,

Mia&Terry Petersen


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/201861/817193751.html


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