英语基本口语对话 关于基本的英语交流对话






K: Hey. Tom How about the football match you played with Class One yesterday afternoon? I'm sorry I didn't go to watch.

T: It doesn't matter. I know you've been busy recently.

K: What's the result?

T: The score is l-3 in our favor.

K: That's wonderful. Congratulations!

T: Thank you.

K: It's actually within my expectation. What position did you play?

T: I was a midfielder.

K: I thought you were the forward. You run so fast.

T: Our midfielder got injured the day before the game.

K: How did Jim perform in this match?

T: He was sent off for getting two yellow cards towards the end of the match.

K: What a pity!

T: We're going to have a game next week. Would you like to join us?

K: Well, I'm afraid I don't play as well as you guys.

T: Come on Don't be modest3. I know you got professional training.





E: Kate, look there! The boy in green shirt! He is so cool.

K: Oh my God, he is such a stud.

E: The tennis outfit looks great on him.

K: He performs perfectly as well.

E: Right. He's got a big serve", good return and volley.

K: More importantly, I think he's a very complete player. He enjoys good skill and can stay calm on any occasion.

E: That's why he could win the game. Actually his opponenl5 is also excellent.

英语基本口语对话 关于基本的英语交流对话

K: So our handsome prince is the best!

E: Kate, he is really a handsome man, but not ours.

K: I wish I could play doubles6 with him.

E: You always miss the ball. How could you cooperate with him?

K: I can ask him to teach me.

E: OK. Let's go to make a friend with him.


Mary无法忍受Jack一心只想着自己不顾及她的感受,尽管Jack表示要改正,但 Mary还是决定和Jack离婚。



M: I'm through with everything here. I want to leave you.

J: What's wrong?

M: We can't reveal ourselves to each other. I need communication!

J: Stop sulking!

M: No! I mean it! You're all wrapped up in yourself.

J: I do turn over a new leaf. Believe me!

M: You talk a great game. We have nothing in common, and have completely opposite characters.

J: I only know I love you. Don't you remember wc used to be joined at the hip?

M: Maybe we were just attracted to each other but too different to be married.

J: How can you say that? You are always the apple of my eye.

M: I don't give a damn! Let's split up.

J: Can't we bury the hatchet?

M: Not a chance! By the way, there is plenty of fish out there and you'll find your perfect match someday.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/201661/615426127.html


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