整洁的用英语怎么读 飞机模型的英文单词



dummy aircraft

toy aeroplane

airplane model ;

flying model



This plane model miniatures the airplane.


The boy has become fascinated with making model aeroplanes.



Not everyone can pursue their hobby at work — the model airplane glue mightbother your coworkers, for example — but sometimes you can just read about it while at work.


Alexander, who says he was added to the team of paleontologists because of hisknowledge of flying airplane models, says he doesn't know of any other groupsthat have tried to fly models of dinosaurs.


Also many new and detailed aircraft models.


Boy building a model airplane as girl watches.


Other interests include Aircraft Model making and design, carpentry and toolmaking.


The government has already banned the flying of model planes in parts of the cityto thwart any plot to scatter anti-China leaflets.


Remotely operated planes, some the size of model airplanes and some the size ofmilitary Predators and Hawks, routinely monitor sunlight passing through cloudsand fly over hurricanes.


I am able to make a model plane.

首个著名的飞碟目击事件发生在1947 年,一个叫KennethArnold 的商人声称他在华盛顿的雷尼尔山附近玩小型飞机模型时看到了一组9 个高速移动的物体。

The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman KennethArnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier inWashington while flying his small plane.


planes was developed in just 90 days in 1962.


整洁的用英语怎么读 飞机模型的英文单词

Mama Bear is busy in taking care of Bear family. She counts for Sister jumping rope, helps brother fly his model plane.


On the bench in front of him is a miniature aircraft, similar to those flown byenthusiasts every weekend around the UK.


The team used simulation tools to show it was possible to achieve over-land flightby dramatically lowering the level of sonic booms through the use of an "inverted-V" engine-under wing configuration.


Applying the direct feedback linearization (DFL) method to design the aircraftautomatic landing control system model that is overall non-linearization.


There are all kinds of play: model plane, telescope, electric car …What are someof the play.


You Robert made that model aircraft all by himself.


What can you do ? I can make model plane.


The model plane you do on Sunday?


Could you give me some advice on how to make model planes? 比如,我的丈夫喜欢建造和玩飞机模型,尽管我们的女儿们太小并不能真正的参与进去。

For example, my husband loves to build and fly model airplanes, and even thoughour girls are too young to join in.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/201561/83810372.html


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