三年级英语故事短文 关于三年级英语故事短文精选



A man had fallen between the rails in a subway station. Passers-by gathered rapidly around trying to get him out before the train went him over. They were all shouting “Give me your hand!”, but the man would not reach up. The whistle of the train could be heard in the distance. Tom forced the passage through the crowed and leaned over the man.


“Friend,” he asked. “What is your profession?”


“I am in income tax inspector,” answered the man.


“In that case,” said Tom, “take my hand.”

三年级英语故事短文 关于三年级英语故事短文精选


The man immediately grasped Tom’s hand tightly and was dragged to safety.


Tom turned to the amazed masses and declared, “never ask a tax man to GIVE you anything. You fools!”



During the period of World War II, a lot of young nurses in Britain were in the army. JoanPhillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers,and soldiers.


One evening, she met Captain Baker at a dance, and the captain was attracted by her beauty.


He said to her, “I'm going to board a train bound for the frontier tomorrow, but I'd be in goodspirits if we could write to each other.” Joan agreed, and they corresponded for several months.


Then his letter stopped, but she received a telegraph from another officer, telling her that thecaptain had been wounded by bomb explosion and was in a certain hospital.


She went there and said to the receptionist, “I've come to visit Captain Baker.”


“Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here,” the receptionist said.


“Oh. That's all right,” answered Joan. “I'm his sister.”


“I'm very pleased to meet you,” the receptionist said. I'm his mother.”



The son of a merchant had agreed to join the family business, and on his very first day at thefactory, his father took him to the balcony and said:"Now my son, I'm about to give you yourfirst lesson in business. Stand on the edge of the balcony!"


"On the edge, dad?" said the puzzled youth.


"On the very edge!"


"Very well dad." the boy obeyed.


"Now, when I say 'jump!'." said his father, "I want you to jump."


"But it's 20-foot drop! Besides, no cushion there."


"My boy," said the father, "you want to learn the business, don't you?"


"Yes, dad."


"And you trust me?"


"Yes, dad."


"Right! Show your courage then do as I say! Jump!"


The boy didn't bate anymore and he jumped. Only to crash painfully to the ground 20 feetbelow. One of his thighbone was broken. His father ran down the stairs to where the youth waslying.


"Now, my son!" said the father, "You have just learned your first lesson in business: NEVER-TRUST-ANYBODY!"



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/201561/678272087.html


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