味精的英语说法1:monosodium glutamate
味精相关英语表达:不要味精 don't put any monosodium glutamate
味精废水 gourmet powder wastewater
生产味精 produce monosodium glutamate
味精的英语例句:1. Mix Soya - bean powder and Seasoning 2 into juice with fish flavor.
2. MSG, as it turns out, is actually very important to brain development.

3. Laurie: Do we need some soy sauce, vinegar, Accent?
劳丽: 我们需要买酱油 、 醋和味精 吗 ?
4. The method has been used for the determination of glutamate sodium glutamate.
5. Take gourmet powder for a long time harmful to the body?
长期吃味精对身体有害 吗 ?
6. The main component of MSG — glutamate — was identified by Professor Kikunae Ikeda in 1908.
7. Seasonings: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, starch, ginger, garlic, pepper.
调味料: 盐, 白糖, 味精, 淀粉, 姜, 蒜, 胡椒粉.
8. Its sodium salt is the food flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate ( MSG ).
谷氨酸钠 ( 即味精 ) 广泛用作调味品.
9. This is because MSG is a cost - effective way of simulating great taste.
10. It has no nutritional value and no flavor of its own.
11. Condiments: Salt, gourmet powder, rice wine, corianders , scallions, gingers and sesame oil.
调料: 盐 、 味精 、 料酒 、 香菜 、 葱 、 姜、香油.
12. Whether MSG induces asthma is currently still under debate.
13. Accessory: Dark Soy Sauce , MSG , soy sauce, sugar, mixing stand - appropriate.
辅料: 老抽 、 味精 、 生抽 、 糖适量混合待用.
14. It can do automatic packing for tablet, capsule and granular.
如:小丸、味精、白糖、汤料、麦片、种子 、 咖啡、感冒冲剂等.
15. Gourmet powder, namely, monosodium glutamate, is a kind of very favorable crystal.
味精又名谷氨酸, 钠盐, 是一种具有特鲜口味的结晶状物质.