负责英语短语 对负责的英文短语



1. The company appeal against the decision of the plan officer.


2. The company appeals against the decision of the plan officer.


3. To supervise the hygiene situation of the factory.


4. Ill speak to the person in charge and ask him to take care of the problem.


5. The importance of fair value accounting to responsible systemic risk management is hard to overstate.


6. Liem said the finding is important news for specialists who monitor patients during surgery.


7. He must be made answerable for these terrible crimes.


8. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.


9. The government will be responsible to the President alone.


10. We cannot be held responsible for goods lost in transit.


11. All ministers, including the prime minister, will be answerable directly to him.


12. The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.


13. Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week.


14. The Cabinet is collectively responsible for policy.


15. No one admitted responsibility for the attacks.




"Ken Lewis is responsible to shareholders first," Young said.


Oh, I also believe that a professor who treats students like you is very responsible.Thanks.


Initial reports from the Indian capital say the explosions were just minutes apart at the 17th-century complex. There has been no claim of responsibility.


Chaired by Paul Wolfowitz, the ISAB is part of the US state department, and reports directly toCondoleezza Rice.


example:You'll have to answer for your wrong doing one day.


Storing structured objects is, for the most part, an exercise in what's been done before: calldb.set() on the object and the OODBMS takes care of the rest.


Second, ask "Why am I on the payroll?" Whatever your answer to this question, work on it all day long.

苏丹政府坚持要求他们应该转交给警方,因为他们认为这些人对营中的暴力行为负责.总统Omar al-Bashir也已个人身份要求这些人移交警方.

Sudan’s government in Khartoum is insisting that they be turned over to the police, as itbelieves they were responsible for the violence in the camp.

“人民已给了他管理的权利,所以他对人民负责” (J.A。弗劳德)。

"The people had given him his command, and to the people alone he was responsible" (J. A.Froude).


The captain will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew.


负责英语短语 对负责的英文短语

Well, we prefer to have the US National Chartering Corporation take care of the shipping. Itdoesn't make a difference to you, does it?


The driver of the car says four masked gunmen restrained him and shoved Morenatti into awhite Volkswagen and drove away. No one has claimed responsibility.



Medicines can produce calmer, clearer thinking for periods of time. But the drugs can also haveside effects like weight loss and sleep problems.


Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves---F. W. Nietzsche, German philosopher.


Representatives for CIC and ILFC could not be immediately reached for comment, whileofficials in charge of financial leasing businesses at Bank of China and ICBC declined tocomment.

王先生的妻子于去年自杀身亡后 他招来全体互联网用户的怒火.王先生妻子去世后她的姐妹张贴了她的日记 其中怀疑王先生与同事关系暧昧.博客作者们指责王先生应为其妻子死去负责 并对他进行了报复.

Mr. Wang drew the ire of fellow Internauts after his wife committed suicide last year. Her diary,posted posthumously by her sister, voiced suspicions that Wang had an affair with a colleague.


Pamela S. Hyde, administrator of the agency releasing Thursday's findings, said theyunderscore the importance of catching and treating mental health problems early in kids.


Investigators in western India are picking through mangled wreckage for clues about who was responsible for a series of deadly train bomb blasts. There has been no claim of responsibility.

这句话的意思是:“共和党人和民主党人都同意,美国政府的一大问题就是在政治上的僵局.至于究竟哪一方应该对这个局面负责,双方的意见却完全不同。 ”

Both the Republicans and the Democrats agree that the big problem with the government inWashington is political gridlock. But they certainly don't agree who is to blame.


Israel's military intelligence chief told the country's Cabinet that Iran has crossed the"technological threshold" of nuclear capability.


'I think $100 is a perfect price for next year, ' Shokri Ghanem, head of the Libyan National OilCo., told journalists here.


This JSP file (for example, MessageResolver.jsp) is responsible for handling the Ajax request toresolve the message keys (a request parameter, message-key, to this JSP).


The actual average age for people in the finance industry is hard to come by, especially givennew sensitivities among human resources departments and recruiters about age discrimination.

对各重要职位候选人的审查工作由汤姆.多尼伦负责。 多尼伦是华盛顿的一位精明的律师,长期都是民主党积极分子。

The vetting of all candidates for important positions would be overseen by Tom Donilon, asharp Washington lawyer and longtime Democratic activist.


As for scapegoating African-Americans; I seriously doubt the black population in Arizona (3.8%as per 2006 Census Bureau) is responsible for the gay ban there.


As for scapegoating African-Americans; I seriously doubt the black population in Arizona (3.8%as per 2006 Census Bureau) is responsible for the gay ban there.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/201161/432352724.html


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是某人的工作英文短语 负责的英文短语

负:背负,承担。责:需要有保证的事情,类似契约。下面就由小编为大家带来关于负责的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。关于负责的相关短语负责干部 cadre in charge;负责人 person in charge自我负责 self-responsibility被负责

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