A: Come in, Miss Jin. I’m Mr Wang, Director of Personnel. What can I do for you?
A:金小姐,请进。我是人事部主任王先生。 我能帮你什么忙吗?
B: How do you do, Mr. Wang? l’m coming for a job interview at ten o’clock this morning.
B:你好,王先生。我为今天上午10点的工 作面试而来。
A: Oh, I see. Please sit down.
B: Thank you.
A: So you would like to become a stewardess, wouldn't you?
B: Yes, I’d like to very much.
A: Well, how old are you?
B: I was born on August 10,1985. So I’m 23 years of age. I’m just leaving college this summer.
B:我出生于1985年8月10日,23岁了。 今年暑假毕业。
A: OK But what made you decide on this type of occupation?
A:好的。什么原因使你决定从事这一职 业?
B: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream can come true.
B:噢,说真的,我喜欢蓝天。我还是个小孩 子的时候,就曾想将来某一天能飞上蓝 天。现在,我觉得这一天终于来了,我的 梦想要变成现实了。
A: Then, do you know it’s not an easy job to be a stewardess?
A:那么,你知道做空中小姐不是一件容易 的工作吗?
B: Yes, I know. It’s not an easy job, but I’m young, besides l,m in good health.
B:是的,我知道。这不是一件轻松的工作, 但是我年轻,而且身体很好。
A: Do you know sometimes you would have to work long hours?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What’s the most important thing of being an air hostess?
B: The most important task of being an air hostess is helping passengers relax during their flight. Flying is a stressful thing and if an air hostess can ease that tension, it will make a favorable impression for the airline.
B:空中小姐最重要的任务是帮助旅客在飞 行过程中放松。坐飞机是令人紧张的 事,如果空中小姐能缓和那种紧张,就可 以为航空公司创造良好的形象。
A: Do you think friendly service is very important for the airline staff?
A:你认为对空中乘务员来说,友好服务是 重要的吗?
B: Definitely. I would think this is one of the most important aspects when dealing with public in anyway.
B:的确是的。我认为在与公众相处时,友 好服务是最重要的一个方面。
A: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?
B: Yes. I think I am quite fluent in English.
A: How tall are you, Miss Li? And how is your eyesight?
B: I’m 1.70 metres tall and my eyesight is very good. I’ve never had any vision problems.
B:身高1.70米。视力很好,我从来没有视 力障碍。
A: Have you ever had any serious illness?
B: No, I’ve always been in good health.
A: Your resume says you are working as a waitress in Hilton Hotel. Why do you want to change jobs? And what made you decide on this type of occupation?
你的简历写道你曾在希尔顿酒店做过女 侍者,请问你为何要调换工作呢?是什 么使你决定选择这个职业的?
B: Well, I would like to have a more challenging job than my present one. And I like travelling very much and also like to meet all kinds of people. Besides, I think I can speak fairly good English.
B:嗯,我喜欢比现在这份工作更富有挑战 性的工作。我非常喜欢旅行,同时也喜 欢与各种人打交道。此外,我认为我的 英语口语相当好。
A: What is the most important task for a flight attendant?
B: I think the most important thing for a flight attendant is to make passengers relaxed and happy during their flight. And good service is also very important.
B:我认为最重要的是使乘客在旅途中感到 轻松、愉快。另外,优良的服务也是很重 要的。
A: Do you know what sorts of difficulties the job will cause you?
A:你了解这个工作会给你带来什么困难 吗?
B: Yes. First, I will be dealing with all sorts of people from all nations. Then I’ll feel lonely and homesick because the hours away from home are very long. But anyhow, I can handle it.
B:是的。首先我必须要与来自不同国度的 各种类型的人打交道。其次,由于待在 飞机上的时间很长,我可能会感到寂寞 并且想家。但是,我想我能应付的。
A: Tell me what special features a stewardess should have?
B: Well, a stewardess should be friendly, courteous, and patient. Only in this way passengers will feel welcomed and relaxed during the flight.
B:嗯,空中小姐应当友善、有礼貌、有耐心。 只有这样,乘客才能感到自己是受欢迎的,并在飞行中感到轻松、愉快。
A: If a passenger insulted your country or people, what would you do?

A:如果有乘客侮辱你的国家或人民,你应 当怎么做?
B: I’ll tell him (her) I am sorry if he (she) feels that way. I won’t waste time getting into a debate with him (her).
B:我告诉他如果他那样认为,我将感到很 遗憾。我不会浪费时间与他纠缠。
A: If you can not understand what a passenger says, what would you do?
B: I’ll try to speak another foreign language which I learnt or l’ll try my best to use gestures or draw pictures.
B:我尽量用我学过的另外一种语言去交 流,如果还不行的话,我就会通过手势或 画图代替语言。
A: Well, what foreign languages can you speak?
B: I should say I am quite fluent in English. Also I can speak French and Japanese.
B:我的英语相当流利。此外,我还能讲法 语和日语。
A: All right. You will be hearing from us within 10 days. Thank you for your coming.
A: You are Mr. Lu?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Good. Did you bring the papers that will verify your qualifications?
B: Yes, here they are.
A: Well, do you have a United States R. N. license?
B: Excuse me, what do you mean by R.N.?
B:不好意思,请问您所说的R. N.是什么意 思?
A: It means your registered nurse license.
B: Oh! I see. As I have just arrived here. I haven’t had the chance to take the exam.
B:喔!我懂了。因为我才刚到这里,所以 还没有机会去考试。
A: Okay. Well, how about your education in nursing in China?
A:好的。那你在中国接受过什么样的护理 教育呢?
B:I learned nursing through theory and practice for four years at the Department of Nursing Shanghai Medical College.
B:我在上海医学院护理系通过理论和实习 学了 4年的护理。
A: Have you had any nursing experience in any hospital before coming to the States?
A:你到美国之前,有过在医院当护士的经 历吗?
B: Yes, I worked at the Chang Geng Memorial Hospital in Shanghai.
B:有的,我曾在上海的长庚纪念医院工作 过。
A: How long did you work there?
B: Two years.
A: What wards did you work in?
B: I have worked in the pediatrics department.
A: If you are hired by this hospital, what ward would you like to work in?
A:如果你被医院录用了,你想到哪个病房 工作呢?
B: I’d like you to try me out at the surgical ward if possible.
B:如果被录用,我希望你能让我在外科病 房
A: All right. We’ll let you know within a week. Thank you for coming.
A:好:一个星期之内我们会给你答复。谢 谢你来应聘。
B: Thank you. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.