基本英语日常交流句子 日常英语交流句子



恭喜! Congratulations!


I passed my driving test! (我驾照考试通过了。)

Congratulations! (恭喜!恭喜!)

恭喜你的订婚。 Congratulations on your engagement.

用Congratulations on your engagement表示“祝贺……”的场合。

I'm engaged. (我订婚了!)

Congratulations on your engagement. (恭喜你订婚!)

恭喜你们喜结良缘。 Congratulations on your marriage.

Congratulations on your marriage. (恭喜你们喜结良缘。)

Thank you. (谢谢!)

恭喜生子。 Congratulations on the birth of your child.

It's a boy. (是个男孩。)

Congratulations on the birth of your child. (恭喜生子。)

恭喜你考上大学! Congratulations on entering...

Congratulations on entering...College. (恭喜你考上……大学。)

Thank you. (谢谢!)

恭喜高升! Congratulations on your promotion!

I got promoted! (我晋升了!)

Congratulations on your promotion! (恭喜高升!)

祝贺你康复! Congratulations on your complete recovery.

Congratulations on your complete recovery. (祝贺你康复!)

Thank you for your support. (谢谢您一直鼓励我。)

祝贺你! Good for you!

My book was published. (我的书出版了。)

Good for you! (祝贺你!)

我为你而高兴! I'm (really) happy for you.

We made up. (我们和好了。)

I'm really happy for you!(我为你们高兴。)

= I'm delighted for you.


干杯! Cheers!

在英国也可用来表示Thank you (谢谢)的意思。

让我们干杯! Let's make a toast!

make a toast 表示“干杯!”。

= Why don't we make a toast?

为了您的健康(干杯)! Here's to your health!

后面常接Cheers!(干杯!)。Here's是Here is的省略形式。

我提议让我们为史密斯先生干杯! Let me propose a toast to Mr. Smith.

= I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Smith.

祝您成功! Break a leg!

用于向对方表示“祝您走运”时。break a leg 直译是“骨折”,但含有“祝您走运”的意思。对演员必须用Break on leg,有人认为对演员用Good luck的话,会招致不幸。

= Knock'em dead!

= Good luck!

= Go get'em!

是Go get them!的口语缩写形式。


Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary! (结婚纪念日快乐。)

It's our tenth anniversary. (这是我们结婚10周年。)

谢谢你陪我共度人生。 Thanks for being in my life.

Thanks for ten wonderful years. (谢谢你给了我美好的10年。)

这是送给你的生日礼物。 Here's your birthday gift.

Here's your birthday gift. (这是送给你的生日礼物。)

Thanks. That's very nice of you. (谢谢,你真是太好了。)

生日快乐! Happy birthday!

It's my birthday. (今天是我的生日。)

Happy birthday, John! (约翰,生日快乐!)

圣诞节快乐! Merry Christmas!

基本英语日常交流句子 日常英语交流句子

Merry Christmas! (圣诞快乐!)

Merry Christmas to you, too.(也祝你圣诞快乐!)

祝您圣诞快乐! Have a Merry Christmas.

Have a Merry Christmas. (祝您圣诞愉快!)

Thank you. (谢谢。)

= I wish you a Merry Christmas

感恩节快乐! Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving! (感恩节快乐!)

You, too. (也祝你快乐!)

我们吃南瓜派吧。 Let's have pumpkin pie.


Let's have pumpkin pie.(我们吃南瓜派吧。)

It's my favorite. (这是我最喜欢吃的。)

不请吃就捣蛋! Trick or treat!


Trick or treat! (不请吃就捣蛋!)

Oh, you scared me! (哦,你吓了我一跳!)

母亲节快乐! Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Mother's Day! (母亲节快乐!)

Oh, thanks. (哦,谢谢。)

你真是我的好妈妈。 Thanks for being such a good mom.

Thanks for being such a good mom. (你真是我的好妈妈。)

How sweet! (你真可爱!)

复活节快乐! Happy Easter!

Easter 纪念“耶稣复活”的节日,一般指春分月圆的第一个星期天。因此,每年的具体日子不同。

Happy Easter! (复活节快乐!)

You, too! (祝您也快乐!)

情人节快乐。 Happy Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day! (情人节快乐。)

That's nice of you. (你太好了。)

做我的情人吧! Be my Valentine.


Be my Valentine. (做我的情人吧。)

I'd love to. (我非常乐意!)

祝贺新年! Here's to the New Year!

Here's to the New Year! (祝贺新年!)

Cheers! (干杯!)

新年快乐! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! (新年快乐!)

= Happy New Year to you, too! (新年快乐!)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/200661/713182799.html



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