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When the manager of the radish the little white rabbit. Small fox envy: "well, I'd like to change into the small white rabbit!" So, he read the mantra: "in the 123456 s, the fox into the little white rabbit." Hey! Little fox turned into a small white rabbit.

In the morning, a bouncing came to the little white rabbit turnip shop. Little gray rabbit saw in the store, exclaimed: "yi? The manager just went in the little white rabbit, how again a small white rabbit manager?"

The inside of the small white rabbit come out a look, shout loudly: "are you..."

Outside of the small white rabbit also shout loudly: "I am the manager here, who are you?"

"Clearly I am the manager, who are you?"

Two little white rabbit quarrelling. Little gray rabbit left see right to see, all shocked, really can't tell who is really the little white rabbit manager.

House to bear method, first before they put two bundle of grass, two little white rabbit soon finished eating the grass. Bear the judge again before they put the two pieces of meat, two small white rabbit are frowning: "don't eat not to eat!" Bear method palace to look at this, look at that, how to also don't see true and false, nasty straight scratch my head: how can it do?

Mother hare, two small white rabbit called together: "mom, I'm your child."

Mother hare a look at this, look at that again, shook his head: "hey, strange! Well, there is a scar in my child's tail."

But a look at carefully, two small white the rabbit tail has a scar. This is strange! Mother rabbit wanted to think, holding his stomach suddenly exclaimed: "oh, oh, my stomach hurts! Ouch, ouch!" Mother rabbit doubled up in pain.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" A small white rabbit is rolled out, up to hold the mother rabbit, shouted: "quick, quick to call an ambulance, quick! Quick!"

Another small white rabbit while also called "mom mom," voice is no hurry.

Mother rabbit suddenly stood up, a clinging to pounce on the little white rabbit, said: "I points out, you are my children, the real small white rabbit!"

The small white rabbit smiled: "mom, what are you recognize their children!"

Another only see the little white rabbit rabbit suddenly mom well, leng leng, just understand oneself bluffed. Have to has slipped into the fox.

Bear the judge smiled: "mother rabbit, you are so smart!"

Mother rabbit smiled, laughed the little white rabbit.




















Once upon a time there was a hen and a cockerel together walnut hill to find food, they agreed who first found nuts must share it with another. Hen first find a chunk of walnut kernel, it without saying a word, want to eat it alone.

Nut is too big, however, card XiaBuQu in its throat. It is nervous, lest being choked to death, then shout loudly: "little rooster, small cock! I beg you go and get some water for me, or I will be choked to death!"

Cockerel to the fastest speed run to spring, said: "spring, spring, would you please give me some water! Hen was a piece of walnut kernel was'."

Water said: "the first to find the bride to a red satin."

Cockerel and ran to the bride said: "the bride, bride, please give me a red satin son went to spring, it will give me water. I want to carry the water to save hen lay in walnut mountain, it was a big piece of walnut kernel gags on."

The bride said: "go to the willow take to give me my crown."

Young cocks and ran to the willow tree, took out the crown from the switch over to the bride. Bride just give a red satin give little rooster, it took a red satin hurried to spring, spring gave it some water.

But little rooster with water, such as arrived, hen has been lying there motionless, choked to death.

Cockerel bawl mournfully, lamented other animals are out. Finally, the cockerel dug a grave, buried the hen, he was sitting on the tomb in grief.









长篇英语故事大全 关于长篇英语故事大全




The little girl Mary Armstrong, looks very beautiful. However, she has a problem when doing things, is careless.

Her books, toys, is often used in the last place. So mother always have to followed her, help her to put the things in the right position. Oh, so that will give mom a big trouble.

Mother constantly reminded Mary work, must be careful. Can Mary never listen to not into my mother's advice. As a result, books and toys are often she ripped or is damaged.

Worse, she became really care not, more and more careless. It is very conducive to her life. In addition, due to the bad habit of trouble, and often in a bad mood. Interest is often destroyed by her friends.

One day, Mary and her mother, stay for an hour in the yard. My mother didn't leave is busy work at hand. Mary is playing with her dog desi, they kept on running.

Suddenly, in a corner of the courtyard, Mary, which found her favorite doll. Oh, doll not only clothes covered in dirt, and still be torn.

Mary immediately concluded that to do this is desi, hence desi was very sternly reprimanded.

Mary was very sad. She cried and torn broken doll to his mother.

"Son, if you put the doll on desi easy to reach the hallway?" Mother asked her. "Yes, mom." Mary replied.

"Oh, Mary, it wouldn't be a dog's fault. It don't understand your doll is not bite yo. Baby, don't be sad, learn the lesson. From now on, remember to put their own things in the right place."

"Mom, I will try my best to do it!" Mary said wipe away tears.

Mom is very happy can be so Mary answer. Afterwards, mother also helped the she mended the doll.














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