幼儿英文故事 说给幼儿听的英文故事

儿童故事在帮助儿童认识世界、学习知识和语言、丰富情感等方面有着举足轻重的作用,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇说给幼儿听的英文故事 。

说给幼儿听的英文故事 1:Honoring G.W. Bush

A group in San Francisco is “honoring” former President G.W. Bush by proposing to name a new wastewater treatment plant after him.

“We hope that this will catch on nationwide,” said activist Bill Maher. “Every state should have a wastewater treatment plant named after Bush.” In addition, Maher's group is offering $5 to the person who comes up with the best new word for their online “Bush Dictionary.” The word must refer to Bush somehow, such as “garbush can” for garbage can, “bushfill” for landfill, and “bushpaper” for toilet paper. To submit a new word, go to bushwhacked.com.

In addition to putting Bush's name everywhere, Maher’s group also wants to see Bush’s face plastered all over America. They are talking to many different companies. Waste Management, the largest trash company in America, might put Bush’s face on the rear end of all their trash trucks, Maher said.

幼儿英文故事 说给幼儿听的英文故事

In addition, he hopes that Kimberly-Clark will put Bush's face on their paper towels, tissue paper, toilet paper, and disposable diapers. “I can’t wait to blow my nose into Bush’s face,” said Maher, laughing.

Several companies are eager to work with Maher’s group. He said that the public will soon see Bush’s face on dartboards, Welcome mats, and the bottom of trash cans and kitty litter boxes. One company is putting his face on their fly swatters. “Bush ruined this country,” said Maher, “so we want to ruin his image. Unfortunately, the man is such a dope that when he sees his face on a yellow plastic fly swatter, he’ll probably feel flattered.”

说给幼儿听的英文故事 2: The lion and the mouse

One day, a little mouse jumped onto a sleeping lion. The lion woke up. "Got you!" he said. "Eee-eee!" said the mouse."Please let me go!" Please let me go! One day I may help you."

"Ha-ha-ha," laughed the lion."A little mouse like you can't help a lion like me!"But he let the mouse go.

"Thank you,"said the little mouse, and away she ran to her hole. The lion laughed at the little mouse. He laughed and laughed. He did not see the big net by the trees, and he walked into it.

"Help!" he roared."I can't get away! Who will help me? Who will come and help me?" But no one came, all day.

Then, after the sun went down, the mouse came out of her hole.

"The lion is roaring for help!" she said."I'm coming!"

The mouse ran to help the lion. "I can make a hole in that net with my teeth." she said. And she did.

"you can get out now," said the mouse."See! Little mouse like me did help a big lion like you."

"Yes, I see,"said the lion. "Yes,a mouse can help a lion.

Thank you, little mouse, " "I am pleased I let you go, little mouse," said the lion. "So am I," said the mouse.

说给幼儿听的英文故事 3:The Marathon Cheater

The 2007 Berlin marathon for males over 55 was unusual in that the winner cheated. “Hank” skipped two checkpoints during the race. The electronic tracking chip that all runners must wear confirmed that Hank had run only 17 miles of the 26-mile marathon. Instead of confessing, Hank let race organizers discover the facts by themselves. He accepted the cheers and winner’s trophy. He wasn’t officially disqualified until the following day. Race organizers were angry that Hank, who was a well-known but retired politician in his native country, had accepted the winner’s trophy. “He disgraced himself and his country,” said one race official.

Hank later told the media that he had never intended to run the whole Berlin marathon, as he was still tired from the San Diego marathon he had run two months earlier. Hank’s San Diego marathon time was just under 4 hours; his Berlin time was little more than 2 ½ hours. Asked why he had held his arms up high as if he was the winner at the finish line, Hank said, “Everyone does that. This was my fifth marathon this year. I knew the computer chip would detect my shortcut. The organizers need to lighten up; it’s only a race.”

Hank crossed the finish line wearing a floppy hat, a long-sleeved T-shirt, long pants, and a huge grin. He looked as cool as a cucumber, said a suspicious photographer. The other early finishers in the over-55 group crossed the finish line wearing sweaty T-shirts and nylon running shorts. None of them were grinning.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/200461/286486748.html


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