英文简单日常对话 简单日常购物英文对话



A:Can I help you,madam?

B:Yes. I'd like to buy some presents for my friends.

A:Would you like jewellery? Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's.

B:That's great. Do you have gold jewels?

A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings.

B:May I have a look?

A:Sure. Here is nice gold necklace. Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount.

B:It's very elegant. I'll take it.

A:All right. Is there anything else you want?

B:Will you show the that key ring?

A:Yes. Here you are.

B:It's very nice. Give me ten like this. I'm sure they will be good gifts for my friends in China


(A:Shop Assistant B:Mr Stone C:Mrs Stone)

B:look,Maggie. These tapestries are beautiful!Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room?

C:All right. (Looking at the price tags)Oh,a bit too much!

A:Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. Considering the fine craftsmanship they are worth much more.

B:I agree. Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin?Whata lovely tapestry!We are going to Guilin in two days-this tapestry is really impressive.

C:I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry.

A:Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade?

C:The brocade,please. How much is one piece?

A:Sixty yuan and sixty fen.

C:Too expensive. You haven't anything cheaper,have you?

A:Yes,we have. Here,please have a look at the handembroidered one with a new design of bamboo.

C:What fine needlework!What's the price?

A:Forty yuan and fifty fen.

B:IS this the sale price?

A:No,it isn't,sir. They are all first-class goods. We have price tags on each of them. Our shop holds a one price policy. We are not allowed to change the price at will.

C:I see. I'll take two then. Henry,you like them?

B:Yes,I do. Eh,could you send them to our room?

A:Certainly,sir. Please write down your name and yourroom number.


A:I want to buy some jewellery.

B:What kind of jewcllery do you like to have?

A:I should like to look at some bracelets.

B:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones?

A:Gold ones.

B:Pure gold or carats?

A:Pure gold ones,please.


A:What's the price for this one?

B:Five hundred and fifty dollars.

A:How about five hundred dollars?

B:I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices.

A:OK. . I'll take it. I want to have my initials engraved on it.

B:Oh,that can be done.

A:I wish to buy a diamond ring,too.

B:How many carats would you like it to be?

A:I want three carats.

B:Is this one suitable for you?

A:No,it seems too old fashioned to me.

B:What about this?

A:Let me try it on. Oh,it's too small for me,haven't yougot any larger ones?

B:Then you may take that one. It's very nice and latest in style.

A:This fits me well,how much do you charge for it?

B:One thousand and two hundred dollars.

A:It's too expensive,I can only pay you one thousand dollars.

B:I told you before,ma'am,our shop doesn't ask two prices.

A:Is that a real string of pearls?

B:Yes,that's genuine.

A:Will you guarantee it?

B:You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me.

A:What does it cost?

B:It costs three hundred dollars.

A:Good,I'll have it. Have you got any brooches?

B:With diamond,ruby or saphire?

A:Saphire,please,how much is it?

英文简单日常对话 简单日常购物英文对话

B:Four hundred.

A:All right,how much will it be altogether?Please send it to my address,I'll pay the messenger on delivery.

B:Excuse me,ma'am. It's our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery.

A:Well then,I'll give you a check for the amount on the bank of China.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/200061/910494704.html


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