万圣节鬼故事 万圣节鬼故事英文版



  Halloween is a bad time of year for black cats, with their long-standing connections with witches, hubble-bubble and evil.

  Reports of deliberate cruelty to black cats rise especially in the weeks around Halloween in Britain, the RSPCA animal charity said on Wednesday.

  But it seems that not only do people treat black cats badly in October -- they shun them for the rest of the year too.

  Black cats at animal shelters take longer than others to find homes, probably because of all the superstitions surrounding them, the charity said.

  "Unfortunately, black cats often do spend longer in our rehoming centres than others as they are frequently overlooked by potential owners," said shelter manager Beverly Leavy.

  "But their fur color makes no difference to how much love they have to give," she added. "The cats are ready to make wonderful pets."

  The image problem varies from country to country and often involves black cats crossing people's paths.

  Historians differ about the origins of the superstitions.

  Some point to the ancient Celts, some to folklore tales that liken cats to snakes and cast them as the constant companions of witches, others to a Medieval belief that they caused the black plague in Europe.

  The view that they bring bad luck has also woven its way into art and popular culture.

  American writer of macabre tales, Edgar Alan Poe, published a short story "The Black Cat" in 1843 and in the late 19th century a shady cabaret called Le Chat Noir welcomed guests in the Bohemian Montmartre district of Paris.

  The RSPCA is appealing for potential owners to come forward for the black cats in its shelters.


  Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker room bathrooms.

  Something about the chill of the hall and the odd echo of her footsteps gave her the creeps, even though she could still hear her teammates working on their cheers in the gym behind her.

  The hall seemed to go on and on, and the burned out lights and dark windows in the doors to the abandoned classrooms definitely made her nervous.

  Twice she swore she could hear a slight scuffle behind her, but when she turned around, there was nothing there.

  She felt like she was being watched, like unseen eyes were following her, perhaps from one of those empty rooms. Just when she was about to give up and go back to the lighted gym, she saw it...the girl's bathroom.





  Pushing the door open, Lacey entered an old fashioned school restroom. Obviously the place hadn't seen much use lately.

  The mirror over the sink was clouded and coated with a thin layer of dust. The stained sinks were dry and discolored where water had dripped for many years.

  The chipped tile floor was littered with torn paper towels and peeling paint. Still feeling a bit spooked, Lacey pushed open the door of the nearest stall and did what she came for.



万圣节鬼故事 万圣节鬼故事英文版

  The stall door opened with a creak as Lacey walked out and started to wash her hands. Glancing up into the dusty mirror, she felt her heart leap into her throat as she saw written in the grime the shaky words "Get out...NOW!" Lacey bolted for the door, running blindly, panics overtaking her.

  A fear like none she'd ever felt before flowed through her body...The hair at the back of her neck seemed to be crawling and she felt unseen eyes on her as she sprinted towards the hall. Just as she reached the door, the entire room began to shake.

  Lacey was knocked to the floor as the floor seemed to tilt. The noise was deafening, lights crashed to the floor, lockers broke loose from their moorings and tipped into the hallway outside, the dusty mirror shattered and sprayed the bathrooms with shards of glass. Lacey covered her head with her arms and lay still as the tremors passed.

  She knew this part of California was prone to earthquakes, but she'd never actually experienced one, and her knees were weak as she climbed to her feet, determined to get out of the building before another shock hit.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/1915171/193031790.html


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万圣节的传说故事 关于万圣节的传说故事

关于万圣节的五则传说故事万圣节前夜就是"圣夜"的意思。然而,由于种种原因,万圣节前夜已变成一年中最流行和最受欢迎的节日之一,许多玩家都以极大的热情来庆祝这一节日。 万圣节在10月31日,其实是赞美秋天的节日,就好像五朔节是赞美春

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万圣节鬼故事 万圣节鬼故事英文版

 万圣节鬼故事英文版  鬼故事英文版【一】  Halloween is a bad time of year for black cats, with their long-standing connections with witches, hubble-bubble and evil.  Reports of deliberate cruelty to

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