如何应对职场面试 职场面试前如何打理

  1. Call Company Receptionists


  Before you screw up your day and the person is who would talk to you, better check the company’s profile. Make enough research about the position that you are applying for. It is always important that you know your purpose why do you want to win the position over specific number of applicants. Sell your best self by not saying anything at all but projecting your best you。


  2. Minimal Accessories


  Dangles are not appropriate although they are cool earrings for party, but simple earrings like a pearl and a wristwatch would do. Too much accessories would result to casual get up. In fact, no jewelry at all is recommended but one or two are enough to be presentable。


  3. Professional Hairstyle


  You are not going to attend a formal party and have your hair rolled up or produce curly styles. You do not need to show off your bangs. What you need is a simple hairstyle that you can easily maintain. You should not cause any distraction and you should be comfortable while talking to the executive of the company。


  4. Close-Shoes are Mandatory


  In all standard office positions, you have to wear closed toe shoes, not slip-ons and a sandal. They are not just for professional purposes but also to protect your feet from any accidents that might come while walking towards your job interview。

如何应对职场面试 职场面试前如何打理


  5. Dress-up that Suits your Budget


  Of course, if you have your resources then you could buy a decent pair of suits, skirts, and slacks. Hence, you do not need to dress like the President of the company just to please them. Stay on your budget because you might have more than two interviews for the day or more for the week。




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/1358471/361826866.html


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